Glykogenlagringssykdom type Ia (G6PC-genet, bichon malteser)
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Teknisk rapport
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- Malteser bichon
Brooks ED, Landau DJ, Everitt JI, et al. Long-term complications of glycogen storage disease type Ia in the canine model treated with gene replacement therapy. J Inherit Metab Dis. 2018 Nov;41(6):965-976.
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Kishnani PS, Faulkner E, VanCamp S, et al. Canine model and genomic structural organization of glycogen storage disease type Ia (GSD Ia). Vet Pathol. 2001 Jan;38(1):83-91.
Specht A, Fiske L, Erger K, et al. Glycogen storage disease type Ia in canines: a model for human metabolic and genetic liver disease. J Biomed Biotechnol. 2011;2011:646257.