Braque du Bourbonnais

Il Bourbonnais Braque è originario della Francia, dove è stato allevato come cane da caccia versatile. Una delle caratteristiche distintive della razza è la testa a forma di pera, con orecchie cadenti e occhi espressivi di forma ovale.

Dettagli generali

I cani di questa razza sono di taglia media e hanno un aspetto agile ed elegante. Il peso varia da 16 a 24 chilogrammi, mentre l'altezza varia tra i 51 e i 57 centimetri nei maschi e tra i 48 e i 55 centimetri nelle femmine. L'aspettativa di vita di questa razza è di 10-12 anni. Appartengono al Gruppo 7 della Fédération Cynologique Internationale (FCI), che comprende i pointer.

Breve storia della razza

The origin of the Bourbonnais Braque dates back to the 16th century in the region of Bourbonnais (France), where it was bred as a hunting dog. After World War II, the number of dogs was greatly reduced. At that time, the dogs were not selected for their hunting abilities or general structure, but for secondary physical traits, which caused the breed to cease to be selected for hunting. Fortunately, in 1970 some breeders focused on bringing back the original Bourbon Braque and, thanks to their efforts, the breed's population has increased considerably. Today, the Bourbon Hound is recognized as a versatile hunting dog breed, but is also prized for its gentle and affectionate nature, which makes it an excellent family companion. The countries with the largest populations of this breed are France and the United States.

Caratteristiche della razza

The Bourbon Braque is a well-proportioned and muscular dog. The head is pear-shaped, with a muzzle that tapers slightly towards the nose. The eyes are large, round and amber or hazel in color depending on the coat color, while the ears are long and fall close to the cheeks, positioned horizontally or slightly bent. Dogs may be born tailless, otherwise the tail is usually docked at the base. The coat is fine, short and dense. On the back it is thicker and sometimes longer, while on the head and ears it is thinner and shorter. Regarding coloration, its white coat is finely mottled with brown or fawn. The breed requires minimal grooming and care, including occasional baths and weekly brushings. The Bourbon Braque is a friendly and affectionate breed that establishes close bonds with its family. While exercising their hunting duties, they show passion and intelligence, two qualities that allow them to adapt to the terrain and different varieties of game. They are also energetic and require regular exercise and mental stimulation. They are versatile and loyal dogs, making them a great choice for families with an active lifestyle.

Malattie comuni

Le informazioni sulle malattie più comuni della razza Bourbon Braque sono molto limitate. Tuttavia, è probabile che sia predisposta ad alcuni dei disturbi più comuni nei cani, come la displasia dell'anca o del gomito, l'atrofia progressiva della retina, la dilatazione volvolo-gastrica, l'artrite, l'ectropion e l'entropion.

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Razze + Tratti fisici


Salute + Razze + Tratti fisici

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