Physical traits

How does Koko help me identify physical genetic traits in animals?

Did you know that a large part of your physical and even psychological traits are defined by your genes? Did you think your dog would be different?

His size, eye and coat color, and hair type are all determined by his genetics. But that’s not all—our pet DNA test can also reveal traits he doesn’t know about (because he’s a dog) and you don’t either, because they aren’t visible. His metabolism, the internal workings of his body described by hundreds of genes, such as drug sensitivity through the MDR1 gene. Unthinkable information just a short time ago!

You will find out data about your pet that you never thought you could know. Especially him or her, because, well, its a dog, and it doesnt think about those things. Strengthen the bond you have, become the perfect owner, and resign yourself to the fact that many of those quirks that your four-legged friend has come from its genome.

Do you still not know the true nature of your dog?

Unlock the secrets of your pet's DNA with our two ranges.


Breeds + Physical traits


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