Village Dog Northern East African

The North African East African Stray is a hardy and adaptable breed, originating from the local communities of the region. They are loyal and protective companions, able to adapt to diverse environments and lifestyles.

General details

The North East African Stray is a medium sized breed. Males have an average height of 39 to 58 cm, while females range from 35 to 53 cm. In terms of weight, males range from 14 to 23 kg, and females have a weight of 10 to 19 kg. The life expectancy of this breed is estimated to be around 10 to 15 years. It is not a breed recognized by the Fédération Cynologique Internationale (FCI).

Breed history in brief

The oldest remains of dogs found in Africa date back 5,900 years and were discovered in the Nile Delta, Egypt. Subsequently, the dog spread from north to south across Africa along with cattle herders. This process of dispersal shows the close relationship between dogs and herding communities in early African history. Over the years, the North African East African Stray Dogs have adapted and evolved to survive in diverse environments and climates. These dogs have been used for hunting, herding livestock and protecting farmers' homes and properties. Over time, the dogs became valued members of the community and played an important role in people's daily lives.

Breed characteristics

The North East African Stray Dog generally has a medium-sized body structure, with a head proportionate to the body. Its eyes are usually medium-sized and expressive, while the ears can vary in shape and size. As for the tail, it is usually of medium length and may have a natural curvature. The breed's coat can be short or semi-long, adapted to the climate of the region. Coat color can also vary, from solid shades such as black, brown or white, to more brindle or spotted patterns. North East African Stray Dogs are noted for their innate ability to adapt to diverse situations and environments, making them versatile dogs capable of facing the challenges of life in rural communities. They are also known to be courageous and alert.

Common health problems

Information on the most common diseases in the North East African Stray Dog is very limited, not known to be prone to specific health problems. However, some common diseases that could affect dogs in the North African region include intestinal parasites, tick-borne diseases and infectious diseases such as rabies.

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