Golden Jackal

The Golden Jackal is an ancient wolf-like canine species characterized by a slender, slender body, small triangular head and erect ears. The Golden Jackal is known for its keen senses, adaptability and social behavior, making it a successful predator and scavenger.

General details

Dogs of the breed are of medium size and measure between 46 and 51 centimeters. In terms of weight, males are between 6 and 14 kilograms, and females between 7 and 11 kilograms. The life expectancy of the breed is 10 to 16 years and they are not recognized by the Fédération Cynologique Internationale (FCI).

Breed history in brief

The Golden Jackal is a canine species native to southeastern Europe, southwestern Asia, southern Asia and regions of Southeast Asia. The golden jackal has a long and varied history. The ancestor of the Golden Jackal is considered to be the extinct Arno River dog. The oldest fossil of this canid dates back 7,600 years. Historically, the Golden Jackal has been both revered and despised by humans. In some cultures it has been considered a sacred animal, while in others it has been hunted and killed as a pest. These dogs play a significant role in regulating prey populations and the ecosystem as a whole.

Breed characteristics

The body of the Golden Jackal is slender and slender, with a small, triangular head and a pointed muzzle. The ears are large and erect, and the tail is dense, thick and carried vertically. The legs are elongated and slender, with small, sharp claws. The coat of the Golden Jackal is short and has a rough texture, with a base color ranging from pale creamy yellow to dark fawn. The coat on the back is composed of a mixture of black, brown and white hairs, while the underparts are a light ginger to cream color. The tip of the tail may have a tan to black coloration. Melanism can cause dark fur in some Golden Jackals, and albino specimens have been seen. Golden Jackals are primarily nocturnal and solitary animals, but may form pairs or small groups. They communicate through a series of vocalizations, such as howls and barks. In general, they are resourceful animals that have successfully adapted to living in diverse habitats, from forests to deserts.

Common health problems

Information on the most common genetic disorders in the Golden Jackal is very limited. Diseases such as rabies, echinococcosis, leptospirosis, erlichiosis and babesiosis have been described in this breed.

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