Blue Lacy

The Blue Lacy breed originated in the United States and is distinguished by its slate blue coat and bright orange or yellow eyes. Their versatility and work ethic are exceptional and recognized in a variety of tasks, making them a highly valued breed.

General details

Dogs of the breed are medium-sized and muscular. Weight ranges from 11 to 23 kilograms, while height varies between 46 and 64 centimeters. The life expectancy of this breed is 12 to 16 years and they are not recognized by the Fédération Cynologique Internationale (FCI).

Breed history in brief

The Blue Lacy breed owes its name to the Lacy family, who settled in Texas in the 1850s. Originally known as the Blue Lacy Game Dog, it has been used for more than a century on ranches in the southwestern United States. The breed was nearly extinct with the advent of the three-wheeled horse, but its unique herding, hog hunting and game tracking abilities made it a popular choice in the commercial hunting industry. Today, the Blue Lacy is the most widely used breed by trappers in the United States. The breed is believed to have developed from a cross between a greyhound, bloodhound and coyote, emphasizing herding and herding characteristics.

Breed characteristics

The Blue Lacy breed is a medium sized dog with a well balanced, muscular and strong build. They have a flat to slightly rounded skull, a tapering muzzle and a defined stop. Their eyes are almond-shaped and bright orange to yellow, while their ears are triangular and slightly rounded, measuring 10 to 12 cm in length. The breed has a soft, tight, smooth coat of an unusual slate blue color due to a genetic rarity. The coat has white markings on the chest and often on the legs. The color can be classified as blue (metallic gray to almost black), red (red, yellow or cream) and tricolor (blues with red markings). The Blue Lacy is known to be an easy to handle breed and a great pet for children. They are highly sensitive dogs, so they will respond best to gentle commands. The breed is energetic, dedicated and instinctively capable of performing a variety of tasks such as herding, guarding, ranching, hog hunting and searching for wounded deer.

Common health problems

Information on the most common diseases in the Blue Lacy breed is limited, however, it is likely to be predisposed to some of the most common disorders in dogs such as hip dysplasia, progressive retinal atrophy, cataracts, deafness and epilepsy.

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