
Azawakh is a canine breed from Africa that has been used as a hunting and guard dog in populations of the Sahara. Azawakhs are tall, slender, and elegant dogs that resemble the greyhound. They are characterized by their speed and endurance.

General details

The Azawakh is a large and slender dog. Dogs of this breed typically weigh between 20 and 25 kilograms and measure between 64 and 74 centimeters. Their life expectancy is 12 to 15 years. They belong to Group 10 of the Fédération Cynologique Internationale (FCI), which groups the Sighthounds.

Breed history in brief

Azawakh is a descendant of the African Central Saharan sighthound, companion for hundreds of years of the nomadic Tuareg, Dahoussahaq and Dahoussahaq and Peul peoples who migrated with their dogs to the lands of the Sahel, to areas suitable for agriculture and hunting along the dry valley of the Azawakh, on the borders of Mali and Nigeria. It is interesting to note how the culture of these peoples influenced the creation and development of the breed which is also known as the "hound of the free peoples" or "idii n'illeli" in the Tuareg language. The first specimens were brought to Europe in 1968. They are currently used as companion dogs and are appreciated for their elegant appearance.

Breed characteristics

The Azawakh has a short, slender back that may be slightly arched and an elongated, slender, chiseled head. Its almond-shaped eyes are quite large and hazel or dark brown in color. The ears are thin, drooping and flat with a triangular shape and a slightly rounded tip. The tail is low set, slender, slender and tapering. The coat is fine and short, gray, red, white, black, gray, gray, blue, brown or brown. With or without white markings and dark mask. It can also have a brindle and fawn coat. The hair is very sparse or absent in the abdominal area. Azawakhs are very loyal and independent at the same time. They are friendly and affectionate dogs with their family and are reserved and distrustful with strangers. They maintain their hunting instinct and are very active, so they require daily exercise. They like to travel long distances in company.

Common health problems

This breed stands out for its physical strength and good health, and with proper care, they rarely get sick. However, they are not exempt from certain diseases such as diabetes mellitus, Legg-Perthes disease, and retinal dysplasia.

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