
The Toyger is a very recent breed of domestic cat that stands out for its exotic appearance and its coat that imitates the stripes of a tiger. It was bred to be as similar as possible to a tiger. Known for their friendly and playful temperament, Toyger cats are very sociable and affectionate.

General details

Toyger cats are medium to large in size, with males typically weighing between 4.5 and 7 kilograms and females between 3 and 5 kilograms. They are approximately 23 to 33 centimeters tall and have a body length of about 51 to 61 centimeters. Under normal conditions, they can live between 10 and 15 years. This breed is recognized by associations such as the International Cat Association (TICA) and the Cat Fanciers Association (CFA).

Breed history in brief

The Toyger is a relatively new breed, developed in the United States in the 1980s by Judy Sugden. The intention behind the creation of the Toyger was to develop a domestic cat that resembled a miniature tiger, which also served as the inspiration for the breed`s name. Through a selective breeding program, using cats with tiger-like stripe patterns, the Toyger was established. The breed was officially recognized by TICA in the 2000s and is still being bred with the goal of increasing the resemblance to tigers.

Breed characteristics

The Toyger is a medium to large breed with a muscular, athletic body. Their eyes are large, round and can range in color from yellow to green, giving them a lively, alert expression. The ears are medium-sized, with rounded tips. The Toyger`s coat is short, dense and extremely soft, with a pattern of dark stripes reminiscent of a tiger. The base color of the coat is usually orange or gold, with lighter shades on the belly and chest. This breed has only this type of coat pattern. Toyger dogs are known for their active, playful and very sociable temperament. They enjoy human companionship and get along well with other pets. They do not tend to get attached to one family member in particular, but will listen to everyone. They are intelligent cats and love to engage in interactive play and explore their environment.

Common health problems

Toyger cats are generally healthy animals; being such a recent breed, they have no characteristic pathologies detected in them. There are no known diseases specific to these cats, but they have the usual diseases of the species in general.

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