Sphynx cat

The Sphynx, also known as the sphynx cat, is a breed distinguished by its lack of fur, wrinkled skin and large ears. Despite their appearance, these cats are very affectionate and social, forming strong bonds with their owners.

General details

Sphynx cats are medium-sized, with males typically weighing between 3.5 and 5 kilograms and females between 2.5 and 4 kilograms. They are approximately 20 to 25 centimeters tall and have a body length of about 30 to 35 centimeters. Under normal conditions, they can live between 9 and 15 years. This breed is recognized by associations such as the International Cat Association (TICA) and the Cat Fanciers Association (CFA).

Breed history in brief

The Sphynx breed originated in Canada in 1966 when a hairless kitten was born to a common domestic cat. This phenomenon, due to a natural genetic mutation, caught the attention of breeders, who began to develop the breed through a selective breeding program. They crossed this first cat with its mother and with other hairless cats, seeking to increase genetic heterogeneity, until they achieved kittens that were able to reproduce and survive. Although hairless cats similar to the Sphynx had already been obtained, this was the first time that the autosomal recessive gene responsible for hairlessness could be determined, in order to carry out an effective breeding project. The Sphynx was officially recognized by several cat associations in the following decades and has gained worldwide popularity for its unique appearance and charming personality.

Breed characteristics

The Sphynx is a medium-sized breed with a muscular and well-proportioned body. Despite the absence of fur, its skin is soft and warm to the touch, with especially noticeable wrinkles around the head, neck and paws. The absence of fur causes it to seek other sources of warmth, which is often its family. Not all are hairless: most cats of this breed have very short hair, similar to peach skin. Their eyes are large and expressive, and can be any color. The ears are large and wide at the base, which contributes to their unique appearance. The body is compact, heavy for its size. The Sphynx is known to be an active, curious and very social cat, often demanding attention and companionship. They enjoy playing and are very intelligent, making them an ideal breed for families and individuals looking for an interactive feline companion.

Common health problems

Due to the crosses made to establish the breed and the absence of hair, there are a series of diseases more frequent in them. They have more eye, skin and respiratory problems. The lack of hygiene and accumulation of dirt in the wrinkles cause dermatitis. In addition, they are sensitive to allergies, hypertrophic cardiomyopathy, cutaneous mastocytosis, hereditary myopathy, valvular dysplasia and urticaria pigmentosa.

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