Siamese cat

The Siamese is a cat breed noted for its sleek, slender body, short coat and distinctive blue eyes. Known for its vocal nature and outgoing character, the Siamese is one of the oldest and most popular breeds in the world. They are very affectionate and sociable cats, forming strong bonds with their owners and enjoying constant interaction.

General details

Siamese cats are small to medium sized, with males typically weighing between 4 and 6 kilograms and females between 2.5 and 4.5 kilograms. They are approximately 29 to 31 centimeters tall for males and 27 to 31 centimeters for females. Body length is about 30 to 35 centimeters. Under normal conditions, they can live between 15 and 20 years. This breed is recognized by associations such as the International Cat Association (TICA) and the Cat Fanciers Association (CFA).

Breed history in brief

The Siamese has its origins in Thailand, formerly known as Siam, where they were considered sacred cats and worshipped by Buddhist monks. It is a breed hundreds of years old. They were introduced to Europe in the late 19th century, mostly to England, quickly gaining popularity for their exotic appearance. The first documented mention of a Siamese in Europe dates back to 1884, when a British consul brought two of these cats to England as a gift. Since then, the Siamese has evolved and developed through selective breeding, differentiating into two main types: the modern Siamese, more slender, and the traditional Siamese or Thai, which is the original.

Breed characteristics

The Siamese is a medium-sized breed with a slender, elegant and muscular body. Their eyes are large, almond-shaped and deep blue, giving them a unique and piercing expression. The ears are large and pointed, accentuating their refined appearance. The Siamese`s coat is short, fine and close fitting, with a "pointed" color pattern that stands out on the extremities (face, ears, paws and tail). Typical coat colors include seal point, chocolate point, blue point and lilac point. They were originally pale cream with dark brown distal points, but Western breeders crossed them with other cats, developing new colors in the breed. Siamese are known to be very vocal, active and curious cats. They enjoy human companionship and get along well with other pets. They are extremely intelligent and love to explore their environment.

Common health problems

They are a healthy breed and one of the longest-lived among cats, reaching 20 years of age. Strabismus and nystagmus are common in them. They are predisposed to melanin deficiency, progressive retinal atrophy, bronchial diseases and mammary tumors.

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