Munchkin cat

The Munchkin is a domestic cat breed noted for its short legs and long body, which has earned it the nickname "sausage cat". Despite their short stature, these cats are agile and active, with strong, well-developed legs. They are playful and affectionate, affectionate and calm cats.

General details

Munchkin cats are small to medium sized, with males typically weighing between 3 and 4 kilograms and females between 2 and 3 kilograms. They are approximately 18 to 20 centimeters tall. Under normal conditions, they can live between 12 and 15 years. This breed is recognized by associations such as the International Cat Association (TICA).

Breed history in brief

The Munchkin has its origins in the United States, where it was discovered in the 1980s. Previously there were already records of cats with short legs, which may have had the same or a very similar mutation. The breed officially began with an adopted cat, which had unusually short legs. When Blackberry had offspring, several of them inherited the same characteristic, which caught the attention of breeders. It was due to a spontaneous genetic mutation. Since then, the Munchkin has been refined through a selective breeding program to maintain its short legs and playful nature. The breed was officially recognized by TICA in 1994, although most associations have not yet accepted it.

Breed characteristics

The Munchkin is a small to medium sized breed, noted for its short, yet muscular legs. The hind legs may be slightly longer than the front legs. Their eyes are large, round and expressive, giving them an alert and lively appearance. The ears are large in size, with slightly rounded tips. The Munchkin`s coat can be short or semi-long, and is soft and silky to the touch. The colors and patterns of the coat are varied, making each cat unique, and giving rise to several subtypes within the breed. The tail is as long as the rest of the body, with a slight rounding at the end. Munchkins are known for their active, playful and very sociable temperament. Despite their short legs, they are agile and enjoy running and jumping. They enjoy human companionship and get along well with other pets. They are intelligent and curious cats, with a habit of standing on their hind legs to see better. They are a breed that adapts well to indoor life.

Common health problems

The Munchkin is generally a healthy breed, but they can be prone to spinal problems and lordosis (excessive curvature of the spine). They seem to be predisposed to obesity, which may be related to more limited mobility compared to standard cats.

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